As Standard Boksit Isletmeleri A.S., we make the necessary arrangements to minimize the risks in occupational health and safety with our approach that is sensitive to the society, our employees, our stakeholders and the environment in the light of our efforts to become a quality and reliable brand. Active participation of all employees in these regulations is ensured. Within this scope, - We accept creating a healthy and safe working environment as a basic principle,
- We develop methods, set targets and management programs to create a sustainable occupational health and safety management system and continuously improve its performance,
- We identify risks and take measures to reduce occupational accidents and diseases,
-We work to create a safe working and living culture and raise awareness among our employees, suppliers and stakeholders, we keep our OHS practices and policy open to the information of our stakeholders and the public,
- We also commit to fulfill obligations in risk assessment analysis, emergency action plan, basic occupational health and safety training, employing occupational health and safety experts, employing workplace doctor and other health personnel in accordance with the Labor Law and the Regulations related to these Laws,
- We ensure continuous improvement and development by reviewing our occupational health and safety policy according to current conditions and developments, with the principle of protecting the health and safety of all our employees,
- We act in accordance with the national and international laws and regulations regarding occupational health and safety in every place we operate with our goal of zero accidents and occupational diseases.