
While we are trying to carry out our activities with the awareness of social and environmental responsibility, our main goal is to produce environmentally friendly and quality products.

In all our activities, it is our priority to treat employees and human rights fairly, respectfully and equally, to ensure the safety of working conditions and to ensure that operations are carried out in accordance with the environmentally responsible legislation and ethical rules.
Within this scope, we expect our suppliers to work with the same awareness and act in accordance with our Human Resources, Environment, Sustainability and Occupational Health and Safety Policies.

In addition to the policies, we require suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules and their obligations contained in any contract they may have with Standard or Verusa Group. We observe the relevant criteria regarding the prohibition of child labor and forced labor, fight against modern slavery, legal working hours and payment of wages in accordance with working hours, fair treatment, occupational safety and health practices, freedom of organization and collective bargaining, and we do not allow otherwise.
We take care to support the development of our suppliers, which we define in the scope of our business partners, employment and production in the selection of new suppliers.